
In 2002 the Deutsch-Afghanische Initiative (German-Afghan Initiative, abbreviated DAI) was jointly founded by Germans and Afghans as a non-profit relief organisation. The main function is to provide help for women and children, to promote education, to support nomads in remote areas but also to promote the advancement of alternative energy.


The DAI is mainly donation-funded but it has also implemented several projects with the aid of larger social service organisations such as Caritas international and Misereor.


The work concentrates on Herat and the nomadic hinterlands, on the Schomali Plain which is situated in the north of Kabul as well as on the village Bedmoschk near Ghazni.


Main activities so far:

  • The foundation of 2 women’s centres from which one is exceedingly successful to the present.
  • 3 extensive emergency reliefs in rural areas in 2001/2002 and further emergency reliefs during the severe winter in 2008 as well as for the nomads near Kunduz.
  • Construction of 9 schools in total as well as a reconstruction of 2 further schools. Many of those schools received sponsorships from German schools.
  • Sponsorship for children and female students
  • Numerous aid programs for nomads (purchase of animals for widows, vaccination of animals, development aid after catastrophes)
  • Support to provide women and adolescents with work (knitting projects in Sharak and Laghmani, adolescents complete an apprenticeship in carpentry)
  • Construction of a sample village showing how energy can be generated from solar power. Further solar projects in schools and hospitals.

For more details and photos click onwww.deutsch-afghanische-initiative.de