Donation opportunities

During the last years, many people who appreciated the embroideries and the overall concept, have been asking if it was possible to give donations to the project. In addition to the purchase of embroideries, such a magnanimous gesture is possible.

The donation account is called SNH (“Stick-Not-Hilfe”). We support families in need, all widows who cannot survive solely on the embroidery activities, by 10 € per month for each family member. (You can find more details in the 6th travel report.)

Embroiderers who are studying, or daughters of embroiderers, are also supported by 30 € per month, so that they are able to afford their daily rikshaw journeys to Tsharikar or to buy books. Word has got around in the villages that we endeavour to support all girls who do embroidery, if they decide to take up a course of study. Unfortunately, there are still very few girls daring to take this step to a secondary school (past fourth year): Fathers or fathers in law do not allow it. Therefore, purely financial support is not sufficient for potential female students to reach a higher level of education, as the ideological barriers for these educational efforts would still exist; first of all, it would be necessary for the men to radically change their point of view, as well as for the girls to have a lot of patience and spirited commitment. Only after these obstacles have been overcome our financial support may become an element in the mosaic of successful educational work, so that more and more girl can reach their university degree in 12 km distant Tsharikar.

On top of all that, it cannot be denied that neither young men nor young women can find employment after their studies.

If you wish to donate for this cause, I sincerely thank you.

Our bank data:

IBAN DE44 6809 0000 0016 6584 05

Under „Verwendungszweck“ please state: SPENDE – Stick-Not-Hilfe