Connecting Afghan culture
with the world
This website introduces you to two embroidery projects in Afghanistan. We will give you some background on the projects. In addition, you can purchase the embroidered squares from Afghanistan directly from this homepage. Under Events is a list of Exhibits taking place, and where we will be present with a stand offering embroideries for sale.
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Many of the women living in rural areas of Afghanistan are highly skilled embroiderers. We aim to provide opportunities for them to generate an income using their embroidery skills. At the same time we hope that these projects will help to safeguard traditional hand embroidery skills from disappearing.
We would like these small embroidered works of art to become known beyond Afghanistan for people to enjoy, get inspired by and purchase. When people in other parts of the world incorporate these embroideries into their own textile work, two cultures become connected.
While many of the embroiderers in the villages are aware that they are part of a larger world, they have a strong sense of their own national identity reflected in the appearance of maps and flags among the images. Looking at the work, the visitor learns about the three colors of the Afghan flag and how the name of the country is spelled in Farsi.
The women have asked us not to publish their photographs – honouring their wishes we have opted to publish embroidered self-portraits instead.
Please click on the images to enlarge them.