Green Carpet
for Afghanistan

Afghanistan is a land of mountains with little water. In Europe, spoilt with green forests, meadows and gardens, the contrast to the Afghan landscape is all the more obvious: far and wide barren slopes and valleys where grass and scrub grow only sparsely.

In contrast to the Red Carpet which is rolled out for the great people of this world, our intention is to create a Green Carpet in teamwork. Symbollically for the Afghan people this carpet will be rolled out and presented again and again.
This continuously growing carpet is to be rolled out and presented as a floor installation within the scope of fairly large public functions, as an art object that must not be walked upon.

How does it work, who can participate?

  • Everone who wants to perform is welcome (all nationalities). The number of pieces per person is not limited.
  • The pieces must be made of flexible materials, all techniques are welcome (painting on material, embroidering, felting, weaving, crocheting, sewing, knitting, patching, braiding…)
  • The colour green should dominate, the form is free.
  • size of the pieces is free, but should not exceed 15 x 15 cm.
  • Name and address (do not forget your country) should be attached on the reverse.

Those who take part donate their work and authorize Gudrun Seng of the organization to sew or fix the greenpiece as she thinks is appropriate according to her own concept. Apart from this, all the rights for photos (press, possibly extracts for postcards) are disclaimed.


When the greenpieces arrive, they will be recorded and photos will be taken for a documentation. The greenpieces will be sewn or fixed onto a green padding roughly one metre wide; only the front will be visible, not the names on the reverse.


The costs will be kept as low as possible. Postage will be paid for by the participants. A confirmation of the safe arrival of the greenpieces will only be possible with an e-mail address (please, ask for it).

Organizers who want to lend the Green Carpet will have to pay for arising costs (only 10€ lending fee). Please, ask by Pascale Goldenberg.
There is no time limit for the project. The future of the Green Carpet is still open. We believe that we will have plenty opportunities to roll it out and present it in Europe.