Isabelle Wiessler
„Hand in Hand“
Embroiderer Marakh
Who is Marakh?
She does not live in Laghmani but in Kabul. Weeda, my first interpreter, knew her from a beauty salon where Weeda was doing her training and Marakh worked as a cleaner. Weeda spoke about her work with the embroidery project, and Marakh told her that she could also embroider. Weeda gave her fabrics and thread. Marakh as well as her daughter Marijan create squares full of character. As it is very difficult to pay them und to give them the embroidering materials (Kabul is very big and it is very difficult to move around) I almost cancelled the project. But then I learned that Marakh is the sole breadwinner in the family (her husband is a drug addict) and has to provide for her six children all by herself.